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IFrame Based Embed

Using iframes to embed Alpaca Travel itineraries

Alpaca Travel also allows you to embed its itineraries using an iframe HTML element. This can be a useful alternative for users who are unable to use script-based embeds due to limitations in their CMS or platform.

In addition to providing an oEmbed API endpoint, Alpaca Travel also allows you to embed its itineraries using an iframe HTML element. This can be a useful alternative for users who are unable to use script-based embeds due to limitations in their CMS or platform.

To use the iframe-based embed option, you can simply construct an <iframe> tag with the appropriate src attribute. For example, to embed the itinerary with ID itnerary/12345, you can use the following URL as the src attribute:


This will load the itinerary as an iframe within your website. However, it's important to note that using iframes has some trade-offs. You will have limited control over the responsive behavior of the embed, and will need to style and size the iframe element yourself to fit your website. This can be more challenging for non-technical users.

If you're having trouble with the script-based embed option, it may be worth speaking to your web development team about extending your CMS to allow you to paste in HTML, or adding oEmbed protocol support. This can provide a more flexible and user-friendly way to embed Alpaca Travel itineraries into your website.

Information IconUsing the IFrame code will require you take control of sizing and responsive behaviour of the window, but offers developers more control over how they present and include the embed on their site.

Example HTML for iFrame

The below example uses HTML elements of an <iframe> and a surrounding <div> tag to size and position the content.

2  style="
3    min-height: 600px;
4    max-height: 800px;
5    width: 100%;
6    aspect-ratio: 4/3;
7    position: relative;
8  "
9  class="alpacaContainer"
11  <iframe
12    allow="geolocation"
13    width="1280"
14    height="720"
15    src="https://made.withalpaca.travel/embed/itinerary/458UEs3vKr8asSekgzPcKg"
16    style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute;"
17    frameborder="0"
18  ></iframe>


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