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Script Based Embed

Basic Usage

By using the following script tag in your HTML, the embed will automatically place the embed on to your page.

1<!-- Include an itinerary at the location of the script tag -->
3  type="text/javascript"
4  src="https://made.withalpaca.travel/api/v3/embed/itinerary/123"
5  async

This script tag is placed within your HTML at the desired location to place the embed.


Script Behaviour

The script will automatically create a container HTMLDivElement on your page, and then assign some of the basic inline styles upon it.

When loaded, the script will then use matching information it is configured with, including the detected device type as well as the container sizing,\ in order to identify the correct embed to use.

The script also adds a ResizeObserver to the container element, in order to automatically re-evaluate the container element sizing and the corresponding iframe in the case that a resize event occurs.

If a different size embed is required, a new HTMLIFrameElement may be composed in order to mount the embed within the container.

The contents of the container element are replaced with the content as determined by the script.

Container Element

The HTMLDivElement is created as the outer container element for the embed, and is for containing the correct embed option.

By default, without any configuration the script will automatically create the element as an immediate sibling to the script tag.

1<!-- Example of the container element created automatically -->
2<!-- Note: You do not need to add this element yourself -->
3<div id="alpaca_itinerary123" class="alpacaContainer" style="...">...</div>

The container element is then applied some basic style elements which are common to try and style the element as best it can for your HTML document.

Typically, the CSS applied is display: float; min-height: 600px, although this can change.

Custom Container

You may also wish to create your own container element in which the script should place the embed within.

1<!-- My custom container -->
2<div id="my_container" style="display: block; min-height: 500px"></div>
4<!-- Tell the script tag to mount into my_container -->
6  type="text/javascript"
7  src="https://made.withalpaca.travel/api/v3/embed/itinerary/123"
8  data-container-id="my_container"
9  async

By doing this, the script will not create a container element with any styles. Instead you will take on control over the CSS styling of the element.

You can then use CSS within your HTML page in order to best fit the element within your HTML.

IFrame Element

In circumstances, an HTMLIFrameElement element used to draw in the embed content.

1<!-- Example of HTML IFrame element created by the script -->
2<!-- Note: You do not need to add this element yourself -->
4  src="https://made.withalpaca.travel/..."
5  allow="geolocation"
6  class="alpacaEmbed"
7  style="..."

The iframe will be added as the child of the container element, replacing any of the existing content with this element.

Typically, the CSS applied is flex: 1; border: 0, although this can change.

Linking to resources

The src attribute of the script tag contains a reference to the embed script code.

Typically, the src attribute url will be similar to the following:


The above example contains the itinerary/123 section, which refers to an itinerary ID.

You can obtain this reference to other Itineraries you author from inside the Alpaca Platform.

It is also possible using our GraphQL API in order to locate other itineraries if you are linking to them from your application.

Deep Linking to a Location

You can also modify the src attribute of the script tag in order to link to a deeper element within the embed.

You will need to identify the itinerary location ID, which should appear to be

similar to the format of itinerary/123/location/234.


Controlling heights, widths and aspect ratios

You can control the min/max width and height as well as an aspect ratio for the container that is created by the script.

In order achieve this, you will need to pass in the values as query parameters to your script include;

2  type="text/javascript"
3  src="https://made.withalpaca.travel/v3/embed/itinerary/123?aspectRatio=4/3&minHeight=600&maxHeight=800"
4  async

The valid customisations you can use are;

  • width (string) 'width' CSS style
  • height (string) 'height' CSS style
  • minWidth (string) 'min-width' CSS style
  • maxWidth (string) 'max-width' CSS style
  • minHeight (string) 'min-height' CSS style
  • maxHeight (string) 'max-height' CSS style
  • aspectRatio (string; must match "number/number") 'aspect-ratio' CSS style

Ideally, a combination of minHeight, maxHeight and aspectRatio are preferred.

Please note: Aspect ratio is only used when one defining axis is provided (e.g. width=100%). The constraints (max/min heights and widths) are applied after.

CDN and Caching

Alpaca serves the script tag via its' CDN service in order to make this script available at speed to your visitors.

The CDN service will automatically serve the correct version of the script to your audience, based on the detected device type (such as mobile or desktop).

As a result, you should not download the script or attempt to cache the script yourself.


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