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What is oEmbed?

oEmbed is a protocol that allows websites to display embedded content, such as videos or images, from another website without requiring the website owner to host the content themselves. Instead, the website can request the embedded content from the other website's oEmbed API endpoint.

How to use Alpaca Travel's oEmbed API

oEmbed Discovery

Alpaca Travel also follows the oEmbed Discovery specification by including <link rel="alternative" ... /> tags in the HTML of its itinerary pages. This can make it even easier for CMS's and plugins to discover and use the oEmbed information for Alpaca Travel itineraries.

With this tag in place, a CMS or plugin can simply provide the URL of the Alpaca Travel itinerary page, and the oEmbed information will be discovered automatically. This can greatly simplify the integration of Alpaca Travel itineraries into a website, making it easier for developers to add dynamic, engaging content to their site.

Manually Calling oEmbed service

Alpaca Travel's oEmbed API endpoint is https://www.alpaca.travel/api/v3/oembed. You can provide any URL scheme matching https://made.withalpaca.travel/view/itinerary/* to retrieve an oEmbed response. Here's an example of how to use the API endpoint in JavaScript:

1const url = "https://made.withalpaca.travel/view/itinerary/12345";
2const endpoint = `https://www.alpaca.travel/api/v3/oembed?url=${url}`;
5  .then((response) => response.json())
6  .then((data) => {
7    // Do something with the oEmbed response
8  });

This example fetches the oEmbed response for an Alpaca Travel itinerary with ID "itinerary/12345". You can replace the ID with any valid itinerary ID.

Learn more about oEmbed

To learn more about the oEmbed protocol, you can visit the official oEmbed website at oembed.com. There, you can find more information on how to implement oEmbed on your website.

Using oEmbed with your CMS

oEmbed is a powerful tool that can help make your website more dynamic and engaging. It's worth having the capability added to your custom or open-source CMS, and it's supported by most major platforms either natively or through a plugin. Check your CMS's documentation to see if it supports oEmbed, and if it does, consider enabling it to allow for easy embedding of content from other websites.


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