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Alpaca support custom fonts to be loaded in to the profile brand configuration and used in embeds.

Fonts can be specified for typography variants:

  • Heading
  • Label
  • Body

In order to use the custom fonts, you will need to add a font definition by supplying a a .css file available via secure/HTTPS url.

Self Hosted Fonts

It is possible to self-host your fonts on your own website service.

1// Provide the font-face declarations in your CSS file
2@font-face {
Information IconAlpaca do not include direct font files and use the @font-face definition to define all the required integration information. All other CSS entries are ignored.
Warning IconFont licensing is often restrictive. Ensure that you are complying with your license agreement for your own self-hosting of fonts. Alternatively, consider using a hosted font service such as Typekit or Google if supports your fonts.

Font Service

  • Adobe Typekit
  • Google Fonts


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