GraphQL Example Operations
The following area provides a number of example operations to perform common
requirements of applications and sites using Alpaca Travel GraphQL API.
Each section of this area is broken up by the resource type. If you are still
new to the Alpaca Travel GraphQL API, you may want to review the initial GraphQL
Articles also located in this repository first.
Collection Location
Icon Silhouette
Itinerary Collection
- Create Itinerary Collection
Creates an Itinerary Collection, which can be used to create new
sub-listsmutation createItineraryCollection( $itineraryId: ID!
$itineraryCollection: CreateItineraryCollectionInput!) {
createItineraryCollection( itineraryId: $itineraryId collection:
$itineraryCollection ) { collection { id } }}
Itinerary Directions
Itinerary Link
- Create Itinerary Link Itinerary
Creates a link between itineraries from one itinerary to another
- List Itinerary Links
Query the itinerary linksquery listItineraryLinks($itineraryId: ID!, $first:
Int!, $after: String) { itinerary( Supply the itinerary ID id: $itineraryId )
{ Select the associated itinerary links using the children selector children(
Limit to querying the itinerary links type: ItineraryLink Using the relay
"cursor connection" specification for pagination See: https://relay
Itinerary Location
Itinerary Segments
Place Provider: Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
- Get Authorized Profiles
Uses a query with the supplied AccessToken/API Key in order to determine the
associated authorized profiles
- Get Profile Load a query
by a supplied profile identifier
- Update Profile Update
profile details (such as name, bio, website) for a supplied profile
Profile Social
If you would like to share an operation that is useful to others, please send us
a pull request with the operation created in the appropriate sub-folder. If you
need to correct a comment, please update the operations directly, and not the
generated markdown