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Drafts and Publishing Itineraries

The Alpaca Platform offers the ability to work with drafts before publishing them. This is particularly important for content authors, who may want to make several changes prior to those updates being published all at once.

Alpaca offers the ability to determine the target of mutations when you perform them on itineraries.

1mutation ChangeItineraryDraftTitle {
2  # Perform an update on the itinerary, but don't publish the changes
3  updateItinerary(
4    id: "itinerary/ABC123"
5    # Use the publish: false to disable automatically publishing the mutation
6    publish: false
7    # Updates will be applied to a draft version
8    itinerary: { title: "New title for the itinerary" }
9  ) {
10    itinerary {
11      id
13      # The date when the itinerary was last published
14      published
16      # The modified date will be the latest draft date
17      modified
19      # This title value is taken from the draft
20      title
21    }
22  }

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